by admin | Apr 6, 2022 | Equipment Financing
Many people with bad credit know that it’s challenging to find a loan, and they often can’t even get financing to purchase heavy equipment. However, there are lenders out there who specialize in financing these types of purchases. This blog post will discuss what you need to know about getting heavy equipment financing with bad credit.
Can I get heavy equipment financing with bad credit?
It’s possible to get heavy equipment financing, even if you have bad credit. Just because your credit is terrible doesn’t mean you can’t get a loan. Many people with poor credit have found loans to finance heavy equipment purchases.
There are lenders out there specializing in financing these purchases, even for those whose credit isn’t good enough for other companies to approve them. This blog post will discuss what you need to know about getting heavy equipment financing with bad credit.
First off, if your business is new or very small, then most likely the best place to start looking into finance options is going to be your local bank branch office. Many banks had begun offering more flexible loans because their competition had increased since the recession years ago when lending was much stricter than today. Your banker should help point you in the right towards obtaining funding from them, so don’t be afraid to ask.
If you have been in business for a while and have a good track record, then you may want to look into equipment leasing as an option. Equipment leasing is when you borrow money from a lender to buy equipment, but instead of owning the equipment at the end of the lease like you would with a loan, you give it back to the lender. This can be a great option if your credit score isn’t high enough to get approved for a loan because most lenders will approve leases even if your credit score is below 600.
The last option we are going to discuss here is factoring. Factoring is when you sell your accounts receivable (in this case, the payments that will be made to you by your customers for the heavy equipment you have purchased) to a third party to get an immediate lump sum of cash. This option is excellent if you need money right away, but it’s important to note that factoring usually has higher interest rates than loans or leases.
First, it’s essential to understand that not all lenders offer to finance heavy equipment purchases. So, you’ll need to do your research and find a lender who is willing to work with you. Second, even if you can find a lender who offers this type of financing, the interest rates will likely be high. There is a higher risk involved in lending money to someone with bad credit.
So, what are your options if you want to buy heavy equipment but have bad credit?
One option is to try and get a loan from a family member or friend. Another option is to save up enough money to pay cash for the purchase. Finally, you could also look into leasing the equipment instead of buying it.
Tips for Getting Financing with Bad Credit
– Research lenders who specialize in financing heavy equipment purchases.
– Consider leasing the equipment instead of buying it.
– Try asking family or friends if they can help you out with funding your purchase.
– Save up enough money so that you can pay cash for the purchase yourself.
In conclusion, getting a loan to finance a heavy equipment purchase isn’t impossible, even if it has bad credit. Many banks are starting to offer more flexible loans because their competition had increased since the recession years ago when lending was much stricter than today.
Equipment leasing is an excellent option if your credit score isn’t high enough to get approved for a loan from most other traditional sources since there’s usually no lien on the title of the equipment. So, don’t give up if you’re struggling to find a way to finance your heavy equipment purchase- there are lenders out there who will work with you!
by admin | Jul 7, 2018 | Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Why Empire Merchant Group is the best source for business funding?
Empire Merchant group funds business owners in 24 hours or less!
Administrating your own small business is not for the faint of heart. When you’re the boss, and in control of your own business plan, it can be stressful knowing that you and your employee’s well being are tied to the achievement of your idea.
Most of new businesses are shutting down within the first years of operation, the odds are stacked against small businesses. The remaining ones stay open because they get creative, innovative, and aren’t afraid to look outside the box to boost their cash flow and optimize their bottom line.
You can help grow you cash flow and make your business survive. Here we point out some ways to increase your cash flow
- Review your pricing strategy
- Add variety payment methods
- Try to get a good small business accountant
- Setting your invoicing automatically
Putting these points into practice will help you have a growth in your business and to increase your customer flow
However, a lot of business owners get caught in the projection phase, focusing on the prospective for future profits, without the operating capital to get there. If you want to see your business grow, it’s critical that you explore ways to not only feed your future, but find ways to develop your operational cash flow for the present.
Now that we gave you some tips above that will help to grow your finance and small business, remember this is not a one time fix, successful businesses are constantly implementing their methods and processes. Here at Empire Merchant Group we want to see you succeed as an entrepreneur, with our line of credit for all type of industries.
A line of credit has built-in flexibility mainly created for small business owners to grow. It helps to expand, buy more inventory and get a new truck fleet or more. but most importantly our line of credit are unsecured loans. Meaning that there is no collateral backing the line of credit.
by admin | Jul 7, 2018 | Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Lines of Credit at Empire Merchant Group.
It takes only 5 minutes to get approved for a Line of Credit with us.
There are several reason why you may choose a line of credit over a traditional loan. A line of credit gives you access to money “on demand. With a traditional loan, you get a bigger amount of money and immediately begin paying the loan back, regardless of when you actually use the money. But a line of credit lets you borrow the amount you need when you need it and you start paying when you tap into those funds.
Flexibility is the most important part of a line of credit since you will only pay interest when you borrow on the line of credit. Once the amount borrowed is paid, the funds are available for you to borrow again. You can choose when to take out the money, pay it back and repeat, as long as you stick to the terms, including paying off what you borrow on time and in full.
Important Facts:
- Make sure you understand difference between loans and a line of credit
- Secure: Using a secured line of credit, the lender may take possession of the collateral.
- Unsecure: If you know exactly how much you need and you don’t want to use collateral.
- Do don’t need a high credit score to apply for a line of credit at Empire Merchant Group
- If you need a flexible way to access money, it may be a good idea to ask for a line of credit
The best option for your company is certainly a line of credit. They work like credit cards, except without a minimum monthly payment. There are higher interest rates involved, but on the other hand you’re also only paying back what you actually spend. In many ways this balances the increased payments you’re making. Basically if you ever wished to borrow money when you need it most without the hassle of the paperwork of a traditional loan a line of credit is the way to go. So before taking out a secured or unsecured line of credit, be sure you have a plan for using the money and paying it back.
Here we give you some example of ways you can spend your funds obtained by a line of credit.
- Emergency expenses
- Last minute major purchasing
- Complementing your income when is not regular
Empire Merchant Group offers you the best line of credit on the market and cero headache when it comes to paperwork, including low credit score, with the lowest rates. It also applies for all industries and all businesses. For more information go to
by admin | Jul 7, 2018 | Bad credit score loans, Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Equipment financing at Empire Merchant Group
Looking to upgrade or buy equipment or technology for your business?
It can be a challenge to replace your equipment or purchases brand new ones. Equipment financing helps to obtain all you need to make your business successful. Sometimes upgrading or buying new equipment can put a squeeze on your cash flow but with low interest rates for equipment financing, fast approvals and low fees you will be able to achieve your business needs. Click here for more information
Since applying for an equipment loan naturally is fast and easy. You can obtain all the goodies to grow your business, such as machinery, trucks, vehicles, computers or any other need.
All most all industries and business qualify for equipment financing which is also a good thing if you don’t have the best credit score. In some cases the equipment acts as collateral. At Empire Merchant Group we have different options,
- With collateral
- Without collateral
- Monthly payment
If you don’t have the extra cash on hand, taking out a loan is a way of helping you get the equipment you need without having to put money upfront.
Benefits of applying for a loan:
-Stay up to date with new Technology
-Increase your range of distance by obtaining more car/truck fleet
-Expand your restaurant/bar by buying new supplies to help you compete in the market
-It helps build your business credit
The variety of new or used equipment you buy with the equipment loan is limited to your imagination.
Therefore after pointing out your benefits let’s talk about something important low rates. Normally when we talk about rates we get a bit skeptical since you as a business owner you look for the best rate. Find below a chart of different types of financing and rates.
Loan types |
Max amount |
Interest rate |
Equipment Financing |
Up to 100% of equipment value |
8 – 30% |
SBA Loan |
$5K – $5M |
Starting at 6.75% |
Term Loan |
$25K to $500K |
7 – 30% |
Business Line of Credit |
$10K to over $1M |
7% – 25% |
When it comes down to request am Equipment Loan at Empire Merchant Group we offer you
- 1 minute Pre-Qualification
- Fast Approval
- Same day funding
- Easy paperwork
- Last 6 months business bank statements
- Copy of quote for the equipment or Make, Model, year of item
At Empire Merchant Group we consider your business needs as our priority with no hassle requirements with slightly paperwork and fast approval.
If this is something you are considering, to grow your business you came to the right place!
Empire Merchant Group start by filling our online form to get you funded as soon as possible.
by Esteban Cascante | Jul 3, 2018 | Bad credit score loans, Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit, Linea de crédito empresarial
Empire Merchant Group es la mejor fuente de financiamiento rápido y con pocos requisitos.
Empire Merchant Group ofrece todo tipo de financiamiento para la pequeña empresa: líneas de crédito, capital para compra de equipo, préstamos a largo plazo sin fiador ni garantía, entre otros.
Dirigir su propia pequeña empresa no es tarea fácil. Cuando eres el jefe y tienes el control de tu propio plan de negocios, puede ser estresante saber que tu bienestar y el de tus empleados están ligados al logro de tu idea.
La mayoría de las nuevas empresas se ven obligados a cerrar dentro de los primeros años de funcionamiento, las probabilidades están en contra de las pequeñas empresas. Los restantes permanecen abiertos porque se vuelven creativos, innovadores y no temen mirar fuera de la caja para aumentar su flujo de efectivo y optimizar sus resultados
Usted puede ayudar a aumentar su flujo de caja y hacer que su negocio sobreviva. Aquí señalamos algunas formas de aumentar su flujo de efectivo
- Revisa tu estrategia de precios
- Agregue todo tipo de métodos de pago
- Trate de contratar un buen Contador para que le lleves sus finanzas
- Configure su facturación de forma automatizada
Poner estos puntos en práctica lo ayudará a tener un crecimiento en su negocio y a aumentar el flujo de sus clientes.
Sin embargo, muchos propietarios de negocios quedan atrapados en la fase de proyección, centrándose en la perspectiva de ganancias a futuro, sin el capital operativo para llegar allí. Si desea que su negocio crezca, es fundamental que explore formas no solo de alimentar su futuro, sino también de encontrar maneras de desarrollar su flujo de efectivo operativo para el presente.
Ahora que le dimos algunos consejos que le ayudarán a hacer crecer sus finanzas y su pequeña empresa, recuerde que esto no es una solución única, las empresas exitosas implementan constantemente sus métodos y procesos.
Aquí en Empire Merchant Group, LLC queremos que triunfe como emprendedor y le damos las herramientas necesarias para que lo consiga por medio de varios de nuestros programas de capital de trabajo:
by Esteban Cascante | Oct 14, 2016 | Bad credit score loans, Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Are you struggling with bad credit? Are you tired of lenders saying “NO” due to bad credit history and need cash for your business in hurry? There is hope! Getting the money you need to support your venture can be easy by applying for a loan through Empire Merchant Group.
We offer bad credit business loans that don’t require a perfect credit score. We count mainly on your business performance – not on your credit score. A majority of our business loans for bad credit don’t show up on your credit report as an outstanding loan. And, this means that your business can take advantage of other financing programs outside of what we provide.
No Collateral Required
No Personal Guarantee
Quick Online Application
Flexible – Automated Payback
No Business Plan Necessary
Bad Credit OK
Get guaranteed bad credit business loans for your small business in just 1 hour. Additionally you can get your credit repaired when funded with us. Contact us today at 646-868-8423 for a cost free initial evaluation.