by admin | Apr 13, 2022 | Business Funding
Asset-Based Loans are a type of asset-based lending, which is an umbrella term for borrowing against assets. Assets are things that have value to the company and can be sold if necessary. They are used as collateral or security for borrowing by companies that need access to funding but do not have sufficient existing cashflow or other credit facilities providing security.
As well as Asset Based Lending, there are three main types of asset-based loans. These include Inventory loans, equipment loans, and accounts receivable loans. There are also subcategories within these three main types, such as Accounts Receivable factoring, where money is advanced at the point of sale on goods or services supplied but not yet paid for by the customer.
The three types of asset-based loans are used to provide quick access to funding for businesses that have either no existing credit facility or insufficient security. They have a number of benefits, including being able to unlock cash tied up in assets, financing without having to make monthly repayments, and since they will be secured against your assets, interest rates tend to be lower than with other types of borrowing.
Inventory Loans
Inventory loans are often the main type as they can help fund stock purchases as well as payment terms for customers who pay suppliers later who may need working capital for this purpose. In essence, an inventory loan is not dissimilar from a standard invoice factoring arrangement.
Payment terms are offered to suppliers by drawing on an inventory loan against invoices provided by the supplier. On the sale of goods, money is advanced to the company selling the goods at the point of sale, so they do not have to wait for payment from their customers before paying for the stock.
When does it work best?
Inventory loans are often used by companies that sell high-value items. They require credit periods with their suppliers in order to pay them later than standard payment terms would allow while still having enough time before the customer pays them. The amount of finance available will depend on an assessment of your accounts receivables, ability to repay, and how much you want to take out over what period of time. This could be from a few thousand to £500,000 and is repayable over 1 to 3 years.
Equipment Loans
An equipment loan is a loan against tangible assets such as plant and machinery, vehicles, or other physical assets. The loan can be used for a number of reasons, such as financing the purchase of new equipment, upgrading or expanding an existing operation, or even purchasing a new business.
The main benefit of an equipment loan is that it can help you to spread the cost of major capital expenditure over a longer repayment period than you may get with a standard bank loan. This can be very helpful in times of cash flow pressure.
How much finance is available?
The amount of finance available through an equipment loan ranges depending on the type and value of the asset you are looking to borrow against. Loans can be for anything from £1,000 to £500,000 or more and are typically repaid over 1 to 5 years.
Accounts Receivable Loans
An accounts receivable loan is a loan that is secured against outstanding invoices. The advantage of this type of loan over other types of borrowing is that it can provide quick access to cash as the money is advanced as soon as the invoice is raised. This means there is no need to wait for the customer to pay the invoice, which can take some time, especially if they are in dispute.
What are the risks?
One key risk with an accounts receivable loan is that you are putting your credit at risk as you are borrowing against invoices that have yet to be paid. If you are not able to repay the loan, the lender may decide to call in debt faster than would be the case with other types of borrowing.
What are the costs?
The costs associated with an accounts receivable loan will depend on a number of factors, such as the amount you borrow, the lender you use, and your credit rating. You can expect to pay an arrangement fee as well as interest on the amount borrowed. The overall cost of borrowing can be high, so it is essential to make sure you factor this into any decision you make.
There are three main types of asset-based loans – inventory loans, equipment loans, and accounts receivable loans. Each one has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to understand which one is right for you before you take out a loan.
by admin | Mar 16, 2022 | Business Funding
What are financing solutions?
A financing solution is a way for you to get the money you need in order to make your business idea come to life. There are many different types of financing solutions, so it’s important that you have some understanding of what they are before making any decisions. In this blog post, we will discuss the various options available and help guide you on which one would be best for your specific situation.
Financing Solutions: Possible Options
The first option is to borrow money.
One common type of financing solution is borrowing money from a bank or other financial institution. Banks are usually very strict with the credit requirements for this kind of loan, so if you have less than perfect credit it’s important to know that they might not grant your application. However, banks also offer some really good interest rates on these types of loans and sometimes even provide collateral that can be used as security should you default on repayment terms. These options work best when there is an existing relationship between yourself and the lending institution because it will allow them to customize specific details about what exactly their risk tolerance level may be in order to determine how much they’re willing to loan you. If you don’t have a relationship with the bank or credit union you’re interested in borrowing from, it’s important to consider other options as this might not be an option for you.
Banks and financial institutions aren’t the only people who offer money; sometimes private individuals do too! If someone has extra cash on hand they may feel inclined to loan that out at interest rates that are beneficial to them. This is basically like borrowing from friends and family members without all of the awkwardness (usually). However, there tends to be less paperwork associated with these loans than banks so make sure you take some time before making any agreements because once it’s done – it’s really hard to go back on your word if things start going south between yourself and whomever you borrowed from.
Another option is to acquire a credit line.
If your business plan has potential, then there are other options that aren’t as difficult and time consuming to get approved for – such as acquiring a credit line with various suppliers of products or services. This means the supplier will extend their trustworthiness in order to provide financing directly through them at competitive interest rates which can help lower overall costs between yourself and the lender. These lines also tend to be easier than bank loans because they don’t deal with all of those pesky regulations most financial institutions do so approval times may take less time depending on how much research goes into determining if it’s worth providing access up front before making any sales down the road based on tiered repayment schedules.
A revolving line of credit is another common option that some suppliers and vendors offer. This type of financing works in a similar way to the above example; however, it usually has higher interest rates because there isn’t as much risk on their end for providing this type of access up front (in comparison with traditional loans). It’s ideal for businesses who want quick cash right away since these types of lines can be set-up very quickly without too many hoops to jump through; but you should really consider your options before taking advantage of any deals like this because they tend to have high annual percentage rates which could lead into some serious debt down the road if not properly managed. The last thing you’d want would be bankruptcy looming over your head just because you opted for the easy way out when it comes to financing.
The bottom line is that there are many options available in terms of accessing money; but one thing’s for sure, if you don’t have good credit history or collateral then these types of loans might not be an option at all so it could limit your ability to finance growth opportunities which leaves traditional bank loans as the only viable solution. It’s important to weigh your choices carefully before jumping into any deals because they may come with very high interest rates and/or fees if things go south between yourself and whomever offered up their trustworthiness in order to provide access upfront.
Borrowing money can help a business grow much faster than waiting around on slow-paying customers who take forever to pay their invoices.
As business owners, we’re constantly looking for ways to expand our company and grow with it. There are many financing solutions out there that can help you do just that! Here is a list of the different types of loans available in order from quickest approval time to longest approval time: line-of-credit loan; secured credit card; unsecured personal loan; equity investment (equity stake); purchase money security interest/purchase money mortgage. If you have any questions about these options or how they work, feel free to reach out and ask us! We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have!
by admin | Mar 9, 2022 | Business Funding
If you are looking for ways to fund your new business, then you have come to the right place. This article will discuss what it takes to get a loan for your new business, as well as provide some tips on how to make applying easier. We also provide links that will help take care of many of the steps required in getting approved for a loan!
How to Get a Loan for Your New Business
Get a business plan and create a budget to help you keep track of your spending. This will be beneficial in case anything changes during the loan process, or if there is any unexpected spending that takes place.
Visit an accountant for tax preparation services. If you are self-employed, then it may easier than trying to do this yourself. An accountant can also prepare financial statements which lenders often require when deciding whether they want to lend money to businesses like yours. Additionally, getting this information ahead of time means less waiting time at the bank!
Create a credit report from the three major reporting agencies. A combination of all three reports is necessary to get an accurate idea of your credit score. This is a great way to find out what you need to improve in order to get the approval that you want.
Determine how much money you will be applying for and when it will be needed. Lenders often determine whether or not they can lend money based on your ability to repay it back with interest, so this needs to be taken into account.
Search online for banks that offer loans, and call ahead if possible. Banks will often ask you some initial questions about your business over the phone before setting up an appointment with one of their loan officers who can provide more details on what they require in order to be approved. If it isn’t feasible for you to meet face-to-face at this time, make sure there are other options available such as Skype or Google Hangouts so that communication can still take place!
Prepare to demonstrate your ability to repay the loan. This is the most crucial information for lenders to have. It might be tough to demonstrate your ability to repay or “service” a loan as a new business owner. Make sure your finances are in order and that your business strategy includes detailed financial information. Be realistic and don’t overestimate your expectations. Have proof on hand if you’ve been in business for a while and can show that your profits exceed your expenses.
It’s likely that you’ll have to personally guarantee the loan. Entrepreneurs’ enterprises don’t always have enough relevant assets to guarantee a loan. As a result, the business owner, as well as any co-applicants or extra guarantors, will be required to provide a personal guarantee to the lenders. This means that in the case you are unable to repay the loan, you (and possibly cooperative partners, friends, or family who secure the loan with you) will be required to pledge personal assets as collateral.
Be open and honest about your financial situation. Not everyone has excellent credit or a clean financial record. Give specifics about any current or previous issues that may have harmed your application. They’ll almost certainly be detected during the procedure. A bad history does not automatically disqualify your application, and it is preferable to disclose facts up front rather than explain afterwards. Being truthful will also demonstrate your dependability.
Recognize the many types of company loans available. Each source of funding has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, as outlined in last week’s blog. Because they lend to credit-worthy firms and are regulated by the government, banks can offer low-interest loans and lines of credit. Many new small firms, on the other hand, may not match their requirements. Banks also provide credit cards, but the interest rates are typically substantially higher, rising to 18-29 percent if cardholders fail to make payments. Find the best funding option for your company and financial situation.
Be wary of the creditor. Make sure you know what your loan’s effective interest rate is. Small business loans are now available from a variety of different sources, including the internet and non-bank lenders. These organizations are not regulated, and some use different methods to calculate a “factor rate.” While these rates may appear to be low at first glance, when you convert them to the equivalent of an annual percentage rate (APR), you’ll see a much higher number, often in the high double digits or even three digits.
Entrepreneurs can take efforts to prepare for a small business loan application. Two crucial measures you may take are to demonstrate that you understand your business and have done your study. If your credit history isn’t great or you don’t have enough collateral, be upfront about your financial condition and enlist co-applicants. Prepare a business plan and keep it up to date when business and market conditions change. If necessary, get assistance from mentors or specialists. Finally, borrow the appropriate quantity of money, not too much or too little.
by admin | Jul 7, 2018 | Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Why Empire Merchant Group is the best source for business funding?
Empire Merchant group funds business owners in 24 hours or less!
Administrating your own small business is not for the faint of heart. When you’re the boss, and in control of your own business plan, it can be stressful knowing that you and your employee’s well being are tied to the achievement of your idea.
Most of new businesses are shutting down within the first years of operation, the odds are stacked against small businesses. The remaining ones stay open because they get creative, innovative, and aren’t afraid to look outside the box to boost their cash flow and optimize their bottom line.
You can help grow you cash flow and make your business survive. Here we point out some ways to increase your cash flow
- Review your pricing strategy
- Add variety payment methods
- Try to get a good small business accountant
- Setting your invoicing automatically
Putting these points into practice will help you have a growth in your business and to increase your customer flow
However, a lot of business owners get caught in the projection phase, focusing on the prospective for future profits, without the operating capital to get there. If you want to see your business grow, it’s critical that you explore ways to not only feed your future, but find ways to develop your operational cash flow for the present.
Now that we gave you some tips above that will help to grow your finance and small business, remember this is not a one time fix, successful businesses are constantly implementing their methods and processes. Here at Empire Merchant Group we want to see you succeed as an entrepreneur, with our line of credit for all type of industries.
A line of credit has built-in flexibility mainly created for small business owners to grow. It helps to expand, buy more inventory and get a new truck fleet or more. but most importantly our line of credit are unsecured loans. Meaning that there is no collateral backing the line of credit.
by admin | Jul 7, 2018 | Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Lines of Credit at Empire Merchant Group.
It takes only 5 minutes to get approved for a Line of Credit with us.
There are several reason why you may choose a line of credit over a traditional loan. A line of credit gives you access to money “on demand. With a traditional loan, you get a bigger amount of money and immediately begin paying the loan back, regardless of when you actually use the money. But a line of credit lets you borrow the amount you need when you need it and you start paying when you tap into those funds.
Flexibility is the most important part of a line of credit since you will only pay interest when you borrow on the line of credit. Once the amount borrowed is paid, the funds are available for you to borrow again. You can choose when to take out the money, pay it back and repeat, as long as you stick to the terms, including paying off what you borrow on time and in full.
Important Facts:
- Make sure you understand difference between loans and a line of credit
- Secure: Using a secured line of credit, the lender may take possession of the collateral.
- Unsecure: If you know exactly how much you need and you don’t want to use collateral.
- Do don’t need a high credit score to apply for a line of credit at Empire Merchant Group
- If you need a flexible way to access money, it may be a good idea to ask for a line of credit
The best option for your company is certainly a line of credit. They work like credit cards, except without a minimum monthly payment. There are higher interest rates involved, but on the other hand you’re also only paying back what you actually spend. In many ways this balances the increased payments you’re making. Basically if you ever wished to borrow money when you need it most without the hassle of the paperwork of a traditional loan a line of credit is the way to go. So before taking out a secured or unsecured line of credit, be sure you have a plan for using the money and paying it back.
Here we give you some example of ways you can spend your funds obtained by a line of credit.
- Emergency expenses
- Last minute major purchasing
- Complementing your income when is not regular
Empire Merchant Group offers you the best line of credit on the market and cero headache when it comes to paperwork, including low credit score, with the lowest rates. It also applies for all industries and all businesses. For more information go to
by admin | Jul 7, 2018 | Bad credit score loans, Business Funding, Equipment Financing, Line of Credit
Equipment financing at Empire Merchant Group
Looking to upgrade or buy equipment or technology for your business?
It can be a challenge to replace your equipment or purchases brand new ones. Equipment financing helps to obtain all you need to make your business successful. Sometimes upgrading or buying new equipment can put a squeeze on your cash flow but with low interest rates for equipment financing, fast approvals and low fees you will be able to achieve your business needs. Click here for more information
Since applying for an equipment loan naturally is fast and easy. You can obtain all the goodies to grow your business, such as machinery, trucks, vehicles, computers or any other need.
All most all industries and business qualify for equipment financing which is also a good thing if you don’t have the best credit score. In some cases the equipment acts as collateral. At Empire Merchant Group we have different options,
- With collateral
- Without collateral
- Monthly payment
If you don’t have the extra cash on hand, taking out a loan is a way of helping you get the equipment you need without having to put money upfront.
Benefits of applying for a loan:
-Stay up to date with new Technology
-Increase your range of distance by obtaining more car/truck fleet
-Expand your restaurant/bar by buying new supplies to help you compete in the market
-It helps build your business credit
The variety of new or used equipment you buy with the equipment loan is limited to your imagination.
Therefore after pointing out your benefits let’s talk about something important low rates. Normally when we talk about rates we get a bit skeptical since you as a business owner you look for the best rate. Find below a chart of different types of financing and rates.
Loan types |
Max amount |
Interest rate |
Equipment Financing |
Up to 100% of equipment value |
8 – 30% |
SBA Loan |
$5K – $5M |
Starting at 6.75% |
Term Loan |
$25K to $500K |
7 – 30% |
Business Line of Credit |
$10K to over $1M |
7% – 25% |
When it comes down to request am Equipment Loan at Empire Merchant Group we offer you
- 1 minute Pre-Qualification
- Fast Approval
- Same day funding
- Easy paperwork
- Last 6 months business bank statements
- Copy of quote for the equipment or Make, Model, year of item
At Empire Merchant Group we consider your business needs as our priority with no hassle requirements with slightly paperwork and fast approval.
If this is something you are considering, to grow your business you came to the right place!
Empire Merchant Group start by filling our online form to get you funded as soon as possible.