Línea de crédito para empresas

Empire Merchant Group es la mejor fuente de financiamiento rápido y con pocos requisitos.

Empire Merchant Group ofrece todo tipo de financiamiento para la pequeña empresa: líneas de crédito, capital para compra de equipo, préstamos a largo plazo sin fiador ni garantía, entre otros.

Dirigir su propia pequeña empresa no es tarea fácil. Cuando eres el jefe y tienes el control de tu propio plan de negocios, puede ser estresante saber que tu bienestar y el de tus empleados están ligados al logro de tu idea.

La mayoría de las nuevas empresas se ven obligados a cerrar  dentro de los primeros años de funcionamiento, las probabilidades están en contra de las pequeñas empresas. Los restantes permanecen abiertos porque se vuelven creativos, innovadores y no temen mirar fuera de la caja para aumentar su flujo de efectivo y optimizar sus resultados

Usted puede ayudar a aumentar su flujo de caja y hacer que su negocio sobreviva. Aquí señalamos algunas formas de aumentar su flujo de efectivo

  • Revisa tu estrategia de precios
  • Agregue todo tipo de métodos de pago
  • Trate de contratar un buen Contador para que le lleves sus finanzas
  • Configure su facturación de forma automatizada

Poner estos puntos en práctica lo ayudará a tener un crecimiento en su negocio y a aumentar el flujo de sus clientes.

Sin embargo, muchos propietarios de negocios quedan atrapados en la fase de proyección, centrándose en la perspectiva de ganancias a futuro, sin el capital operativo para llegar allí. Si desea que su negocio crezca, es fundamental que explore formas no solo de alimentar su futuro, sino también de encontrar maneras de desarrollar su flujo de efectivo operativo para el presente.

Ahora que le dimos algunos consejos que le ayudarán a hacer crecer sus finanzas y su pequeña empresa, recuerde que esto no es una solución única, las empresas exitosas implementan constantemente sus métodos y procesos.

Aquí en Empire Merchant Group, LLC queremos que triunfe como emprendedor y le damos las herramientas necesarias para que lo consiga por medio de varios de nuestros programas de capital de trabajo:


Guaranteed Bad Credit Business Loans

Are you struggling with bad credit? Are you tired of lenders saying “NO” due to bad credit history and need cash for your business in hurry? There is hope! Getting the money you need to support your venture can be easy by applying for a loan through Empire Merchant Group.

We offer bad credit business loans that don’t require a perfect credit score. We count mainly on your business performance – not on your credit score. A majority of our business loans for bad credit don’t show up on your credit report as an outstanding loan. And, this means that your business can take advantage of other financing programs outside of what we provide.

No Collateral Required
No Personal Guarantee
Quick Online Application
Flexible – Automated Payback
No Business Plan Necessary
Bad Credit OK

Get guaranteed bad credit business loans for your small business in just 1 hour. Additionally you can get your credit repaired when funded with us. Contact us today at 646-868-8423 for a cost free initial evaluation.

Bad Credit Unsecured Business Loans

Acquiring a business loan is not easy for businesses with bad credit. Getting approved for a business loan from a bank can be extremely difficult. Many entrepreneurs quickly learn that their initial business loan was helpful in establishing and starting up – but expansion, maintenance or even growth requires additional funding which may not always be available.

Business cash advances are the best option for merchants with poor credit in need of small business financing. Cash advances offer the following benefits not available through bank bad credit business loans:

  • Flexible repayment options!
  • Unsecured, no collateral necessary!
  • Bad credit not an issue!

Stop turning to banks for unsecured business loans with bad or poor credit, get the financing you need quickly. Bad credit small business loans from Empire Merchant Group.

Call us today at 646-868-8423 to learn more about acquiring a business loan with bad credit or poor credit history.

Poor Credit Business Loans

Empire Merchant Group, LLC. offers Small Business Loans to owners with poor credit score.

Empire Merchant Group provides small business cash advances to business owners who have a poor credit history. If you’ve been turned down by the bank, get in touch with us! We provide bad credit small business loan solutions for people with bad or poor credit history. Get guaranteed bad credit business loans for your small business in just 1 hour. Get your credit repaired with fast business financing options.

Bad credit business loans from Empire Merchant Group help small business owners secure funding that they need to keep their business expanding. Get started today!
We offer the fast, flexible alternatives to bad credit business loans for your business needs. Regardless of your credit, we want to work with you! We will provide you with the Best Rates on Business Loans for Bad Credit.

Best Merchant Cash Advance Lender

If you’re a small business considering using merchant cash advances for working capital, consider a smarter alternative — a business loan from Empire Merchant Group. A merchant cash advance gives a business up-front cash, and takes payments from the credit card receipts on a regular (often daily) basis according to an agreed-upon amount. If you’ve been in business for more than a year, you’ve almost certainly received at least one phone call offering you merchant advance funding.

Empire Merchant Group delivers fast business financing in the form of small business loans and merchant cash advances. Merchant cash advances often include set-up fees, processing fees and even payment fees that can as much as double the actual cost of the loan. Get the lowest rates & best lender options!

We are the Market Leading Merchant Cash Advance Lenders with Guaranteed Access to the Lowest Rates Available. Contact us to learn more.